XOÀI. The puppy’s belly is swelling ominously, its pitiful cries echoing the depths of its suffering.

XOÀI. The puppy’s belly is swelling ominously, its pitiful cries echoing the depths of its suffering.

 This dog was reported in Lahore’s Chadara town. The locals assumed she was pregnant. 
When the vets saw the clips, they knew it wasn’t pregnancy and that the dog needed to be rescued right away. There appears to be a large amount of fluid buildup in the abdomen due to liver or kidney failure, but this cannot be confirmed until tests and scans are performed. 

This is an emergency situation, and the dog is in excruciating pain. With each passing minute, she becomes more inactive and worse.

Her x-rays, blood tests, and fluid analysis were all finished. People who were attempting to help in this situation were awaiting the outcome. For the time being, the stagers are draining all of the fluid from her stomach. It’s a terrible situation.

The accumulated fluid has reached a volume of approximately 10 liters. Her bones have become visible, resulting in considerable pain and distress. Yet, when the fluid is drained, she exhibits a sense of relief, often dozing off peacefully. After enduring months of agony and torment, she will at last find respite in restful slumber.

The Vet stated “We’ll remain at the clinic with her. More and more pails are filling up. I’ll keep you updated on her progress.”

They named her Fufy. She is recovering and improving. She began playing and making new friends, which helped her overcome the trauma she experienced as a street dog. She’s a puppy again, and she deserved a happy life after all the pain she’d been through.

Thank you to everyone who came out to show her support! You all joined hands in love.


The puppy’s belly is swelling ominously, its pitiful cries echoing the depths of its suffering. With each whimper and yelp, the pup’s distress becomes more palpable, a poignant testament to the pain it is enduring. The once lively and exuberant creature now lies helplessly, its tiny frame contorted in discomfort.

As the puppy’s abdomen expands, an air of foreboding settles over the scene. The signs of distress are unmistakable, and one cannot help but feel a pang of empathy for the innocent creature. The puppy’s eyes, once bright and full of curiosity, now hold a plea for relief, a silent request for someone to understand its agony.

The surrounding stillness seems to amplify the pup’s cries, creating a haunting chorus of suffering that resonates deeply. It serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of all living beings and the importance of compassion in times of need. The sight of the puppy in such distress serves as a call to action, urging us to provide aid and seek help for the creature’s pain.

In this moment of shared vulnerability between human and animal, the puppy’s swollen belly becomes a symbol of the fragility of life itself. Its cries transcend language barriers, speaking directly to the heart and eliciting an innate response to alleviate its suffering. As the echoes of its pitiful cries reverberate, they serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the responsibility we bear to care for those who cannot speak for themselves.

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